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Renew your signature

Once in a while, depending on the period for which the signature was previously issued, it is necessary to renew it. If you don't do it in time, your signature will stop working.

To prevent such problems, select the version of the signature you are using below, and then specify for which period you want to renew (one, two or three years). If there is some time left before the deadline, indicate that you want the renewal period to start when the previous purchase expires.

SimplySign signature renewal
Certum Mini signature renewal
SimplySign signature renewal
Certum Mini signature renewal

Signature renewal does not require proof of identity and therefore it is most convenient to do it online.

Simply Sign holders can additionally convert it to the Simply Sign mobile version.

If you have any doubts...

...It will be our great pleasure to help you.

Buying and installing a qualified electronic signature is an important task - eventually you will be signing in this way. Therefore, if you have any doubts, use our help. We will explain everything and help you.