What can a qualified signature be used for?

Capabilities of qualified electronic signatures

"Tomorrow is today - so much for tomorrow."
Slawomir Mrozek

What can a qualified electronic signature be used for?

What can a qualified electronic signature be used for?"Tomorrow is today - only that tomorrow."
Slawomir MrożekInPoland, as in other countries of the European Union, qualified electronic signatures are widely used in many aspects of professional and private life. Here are some examples of where qualified electronic signatures can be used:

  • Public administration: Filing letters, declarations, applications and other documents to state and local government offices, such as through ePUAP (Electronic Platform for Public Administration Services).
  • Court proceedings: Filing pleadings and other documents in court proceedings electronically.
  • Taxes: Submission of tax returns and other documents to tax authorities, such as through the e-Declaration system.
  • Public procurement: Participation in electronic public tenders, submission of bids and requests for tenders.
  • Legal services for companies: Creation and signing of commercial contracts, articles of incorporation of companies, minutes of management and supervisory boards.
  • Banking and finance: Entering into bank agreements, executing financial transactions, submitting loan applications and other banking operations online.
  • Insurance: Conclusion of insurance contracts, submission of statements and applications in the claims process.
  • Health care: Issuing electronic prescriptions, test referrals, and sick leave (e-ZLA).
  • Education: Submission of application documents to universities, signing of work contracts, assignment contracts with teachers and lecturers.
  • Ecommerce: Entering into commercial contracts, confirming transactions and orders in e-commerce.
  • Business: business registration, changes in the National Court Register (KRS), filing of financial statements.
  • Remote work: Signing employment contracts, civil contracts, statements and other employment-related documents remotely.


A qualified electronic signature in Poland is therefore a tool that significantly facilitates and speeds up many administrative and business processes, as well as enhances their security and reliability.

ication of the identity of a person using electronic public services. It is free, available to any Polish citizen and uses a basic level authentication method.

Qualified electronic signature, on the other hand, is a paid service that enables a higher level of authentication. Its advantage is the ability to confirm the identity and compatibility of data from different sources, which guarantees a higher degree of security. The weight of a qualified signature is equivalent to a handwritten signature and has evidentiary value in court.In summary, the use of a qualified electronic signature is a strategic step towards the future, allowing you to operate legally, efficiently and protected in the online space. If you prioritize authenticity, data protection and international acceptance of your documents, this is an option worth considering. It not only simplifies day-to-day procedures, but also opens up opportunities in the modern digital world, where traditional barriers are disappearing and trust and protection are becoming key.

Choose the type of qualified signature that suits you best:

SimplySign and Certum Mini qualified signatures

SimplySign signed
Starting from 546,00 
SimplySign is an innovative mobile electronic signature that eliminates the need for physical cards and readers. With compatibility with Android, iOS, Windows and Mac OS, you can sign documents from anywhere, anytime. The installation and activation process is simple and quick, and it can take as little as 30 minutes to obtain a certificate with online verification. Sign with full legal power, increasing the efficiency and security of your company's enterprise. Invest in SimplySign today and take your business to the next level of digital mobility!
Certum Mini - qualified electronic signature
Starting from 529,00 
Certum Mini is Equipped with a reader and cryptographic card, qualified signature, compliant with eIDAS certification, Certum Mini is compatible with a wide range of business software and operating systems macOS, Windows and Linux. It comes bundled with 5,000 time stamps per month, further guaranteeing the authenticity and integrity of documents. It provides the highest level of security offering full legal power and reliability. When you invest in Certum Mini, you gain security, convenience and time savings.
SimplySign renewal podpisano.pl
Starting from 149,00 
SimplySign digital signature renewal is a key process that ensures the continued validity and full legal force of your digital signature. With a simple and quick renewal process that can be done online, you can extend the validity of your qualified digital signature by 1, 2 or 3 years. The renewal process is tailored to your needs and guarantees to save you time and resources by eliminating the need to go through the paid identity proofing procedure again.
Starting from 149,00 
Once every one, two or three years, depending on how long your Certum Mini qualified signature was previously issued for, it is necessary to renew it. If you don't do it in time, your signature will stop working. In this case, you will need not only to buy a new certificate, but also to go through the entire paid procedure of confirming your identity. If there is some time left before the deadline, indicate that you want the renewal period to start when the previous purchase expires.
Starting from 2399,00 
SimplySign QES is an innovative mobile electronic signature for foreigners that eliminates the need for physical cards and readers. It is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows and Mac OS. The installation and activation process is simple and quick, and the certificate can be issued in 30 minutes with online verification. Get the full legal power of your electronic signatures. By investing in SimplySign QES, you ensure mobility and convenience, and the identity confirmation process is tailored to those who do not have Polish citizenship.
Certum Mini QES podpisano.pl
Starting from 2382,00 
Certum Mini QES is a foreign-dedicated qualified signature that enhances the security and efficiency of business conduct. With qualified certification and eIDAS compliance, it has the legal power of a handwritten signature. It comes with a reader and cryptographic card and is compatible with a wide range of business software and macOS and Windows operating systems. By investing in Certum Mini QES, you gain security, convenience and time savings. The identity confirmation process when it is issued is tailored for foreigners.
Switching from Certum Mini to SimplySign -. podpisano.pl
Switching from Certum Mini to SimplySign allows for greater efficiency and convenience in managing signatures. SimplySign eliminates the need for physical cards and readers, allowing documents to be signed from anywhere. The signature conversion process is simple and follows the same process as SimplySign signature renewal, ensuring a quick and seamless migration to the new system.
Transitioning from the Sapphire sub-suite to SimplySign -. podpisano.pl
Switching from Szafir signature to SimplySign increases mobility, convenience and efficiency in managing electronic signatures. SimplySign offers a modern approach to signing documents, eliminating the need for physical cards and readers. The signature conversion process is simple and follows the same process as SimplySign signature renewal, ensuring a quick and seamless transition.

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