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What is the difference between a trusted profile and a qualified electronic signature?

Differences between PZ and qualified electronic signature

Capabilities of qualified electronic signatures

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Kapil Tetarwal

Trusted Profile (PZ) and Qualified Electronic Signature (KPE) are two different tools for verifying the identity of users and authorizing documents in a digital environment. Both are used in Poland and have their own specific features and applications. Here are the main differences between them:

  1. Legal status:
    • The Trusted Profile is a service that allows you to confirm your identity when dealing with the public administration and electronically sign documents in a way that is accepted by Polish offices. It is primarily recognized in Poland.
    • A qualified electronic signature complies with the eIDAS regulation and has the legal force equivalent to a handwritten signature throughout the European Union. It is an international solution.
  2. Security and technology:
    • The Trusted Profile relies on security features such as a login and password, as well as one-time access codes sent by SMS or generated by the application.
    • Qualified electronic sign atures use secure signature creation devices (QSCDs) and certificates issued by qualified trust service providers (QTSPs), providing a higher level of security.
  3. Cost:
    • The Trusted Profile is available free of charge to citizens and residents of Poland.
    • Qualified electronic signatures come with a fee, and the price depends on the trust service provider and the scope of services.
  4. Application:
    • The Trusted Profile is primarily used in dealing with the public administration in Poland, such as for logging in to the ePUAP platform, submitting PITs online, booking appointments in offices, etc.
    • Qualified electronic signatures have broader applications, including business, international trade, banking, and dealing with government.
  5. Acceptance:
    • The Trusted Profile is mainly accepted by Polish institutions and has limited acceptance outside the country.
    • Qualified electronic signatures are accepted throughout the European Union and often in other countries as well, making them more universal internationally.
  6. Sustainability and renewability:
    • The Trusted Profile is usually valid for a certain period of time (currently 3 years) and must be renewed.
    • Qualified electronic signatures usually have a specific validity period (e.g. 1-3 years) depending on the provider's policy, after which they also require renewal.

In summary, the Trusted Profile is a simpler and free tool for basic electronic authorization, mainly in the context of public services in Poland, while the qualified electronic signature is a much more advanced and secure tool that provides a higher level of security and is widely accepted in legal, business and international transactions.

Choose the type of qualified signature that suits you best:

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