The cost of a signature generally depends on three things:
- type of signature
- the duration of its validity,
- and how soon you want it.
Normally, the Certum Mini signature costs PLN 259 and Simply Sign costs PLN 299 for the one-year variant. A promotion is currently underway and both signatures are available for a net price of PLN 259. The price increases, along with the period for which the signature is to be valid. By selecting a variant in the options below, you will find out how the price changes as the validity period changes. Remember that the validity of both SimplySigna and Certum Mini can be extended; so you don't have to buy a signature right away for the maximum 3 years.
SimplySign - signature in the cloud
SimplySign is a qualified signature made via a computer or mobile application on a smartphone or tablet, which, apart from internet access, requires no additional accessories.
SimplySign is especially useful for mobile people, for whom it is important to be able to sign documents outside the office at any time and under any circumstances.
Qualified electronic signature - on a card
Qualified electronic signature is made using a card and a USB reader. It is dedicated to people who sign documents mainly in the office and prefer a physical method of certification. A computer is required for its use.
Confirmation of identity
Identity verification is another paid step in making a qualified electronic signature, and costs between £199 and £599 net, depending on where you confirm your identity and how quickly you want it done.
The fastest way is within half an hour - in this case do not hesitate to call us +48 22 417 05 55. It is also possible to verify identity within 24 hours and up to 7 days.
If you decide to buy several signatures - let's talk. It will certainly be cheaper,
Installation, training and other such...
In some cases, training and software installation assistance must be added to the price - but these prices depend on individual needs.
To see how much, in fact, in total you have to pay, use our "Everything you need" package, or even more ask - call +48 22 417 05 55
If you have any doubts...
...It will be our great pleasure to help you.
Use the form below to choose the optimal date for you and... let's talk!