Qualified signatures
Podpisano.pl is an Authorized Partner of Certum. The signature prices shown are the same as those offered by Certum and include the cost of identity proofing and certificate issuance. Choose the best solution for you.
SimplySign and Certum Mini, are accepted worldwide and comply with the eIDAS standard. Such a signature has the legal force equivalent to a signature made in person. You don't have to waste money and time commuting or sending hard copies. Sign documents online, on your computer or on your phone anytime, anywhere.
Electronic stamp
Qualified electronic seal is a modern tool that accelerates business processes by simultaneously signing multiple electronic documents with the organization's data. It guarantees the integrity, authenticity and reliability of documents. The use of qualified seal is regulated by the EU eIDAS regulation and Polish law.
A qualified stamp is the digital equivalent of a company stamp.
Confirmation of identity
Confirmation of identity is an essential part of trust services. To implement a signature or qualified seal, you need to install a personal certificate, which you will receive after confirming your identity. Make an appointment with our operator, confirm your identity and sign documents online, anytime, anywhere.
e-Delivery is gradually replacing the classic registered mail with return receipt, previously sent through the postal service. Under the regulation eIDAS and Law on e-Delivery every company is obliged to have an e-Delivery box by 2025. The purpose of introducing this obligation is to increase the efficiency of correspondence exchange between public administration and entrepreneurs and ultimately citizens.
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Replace your old qualified signature with SimplySign
Replace your old qualified signature with SimplySign